New Secure School to protect public and cut crime

Serious young offenders will be turned away from gangs and knife crime through rigorous education and training at the country’s first Secure School.

HMP Lowdham Grange contract to transition to public sector control

Terms to enable HMP Lowdham Grange in Nottinghamshire to be brought under public sector control have been agreed in principle.

Greater support for neurodivergent offenders in bid to cut crime

Staff dedicated to helping neurodivergent offenders are now in place in all public prisons in England and Wales.

Proposals to make it easier for child sex abuse victims to bring civil claims

Plans to make it easier and less traumatic for victims of child sexual abuse to bring historic claims through the civil courts have been unveiled by the government today (15 May 2024).

UK Government working hand in hand with Australia to promote trade in legal and tech services

Legal and technology professionals on opposite sides of the world are set to benefit from bolstered connections between the UK and Australia through the UK Government’s GREAT Legal Services campaign’s latest programme of events.

New prison punishments introduced to curb bad behaviour

Prisoners who break the rules while behind bars face new community payback-style punishments like repair work and litter picking, under tough prison rules to be set out this week.

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The Ministry of Justice is a major government department, at the heart of the justice system. We work to protect and advance the principles of justice. Our vision is to deliver a world-class justice system that works for everyone in society. MOJ is a ministerial department, supported by 35 agencies and public bodies.
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